Waitaki Ski Club

Newsletter September 2000

G'day everyone,


The club is now in possession of a new grader which was most generously donated by Mr Roger Slee. Many thanks Roger. This grader will be more effective on the lower sections of the road where most of the wear occurs, and will be a great asset once it is fully commissioned, after a bit of work on the transmission.

Wilding Trees D.O.C. and other groups have cut all the wilding trees in the Awakino main lodge area. It is looking much barer, but more natural. The spread and growth of these trees in recent years has been quite remarkable, and their removal is part of the Regional Councils resource management strategy.
New Rope A new rope has been bought ($4750) and is to be fitted to the main tow before the start of the season. This along with all the usual pylon replacement and tow maintenance should ensure a trouble free operating season.
New Padlocks Because of the land owners and the clubs concern over the many unauthorised vehicles using the road, new padlocks have been fitted to the gates. Access will be provided to those who require it.
Maintenance Because of the clubs policy of maintaining and upgrading all of the facilities as required, there is always work to be done during the year. Unfortunately, it seems that the load for doing this falls mostly on the shoulders of a group of old reliables. lt would be a help if any members who feel like a change of scenery and getting away from it all to have a day or two in the fresh air, could come and give a hand on some of the work parties. These work parties usually provide a chance to learn new skills or new applications for old ones and in addition to working in a healthy environment give great job satisfaction. Any one wishing to participate should contact Chris or Arthur Tschepp.
    Arthur Tschepp 437-0679 
    Alan Grant 434-8166 
    Chris Tschepp 434-5110 
    Jack Parkes 431-3887 
    John Hamilton 434-9781 
    Baz Aitken 434-7188 
    Brian Logan 434-8674 
    Ray Fogarty 434-9294 
    Peter Mortimer 437-0275
Trail bikes

It has been proposed that the club run a down hill mountain bike event next summer. Feasibility studies are being carried out on the course and organisation requirements most suitable to our area, and if the support is there, the club will do this. A big adrenaline rush for those with (Big balls!) a liking for speed and thrills.


If you have any photos or suggestions for this website please contact Bob McMullan (Ph 434-0425)



Thank you,
John Hamilton




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