Waitaki Ski Club

Newsletter July 1999

G'day everyone,

The 99 season is upon us, hopefully by the time you receive this newsletter our first ski week in several seasons will have taken place. Thanks to Petra Konyn for getting a group together for a week of snow fun.

Recent Activity

The usual pre-season activity has seen the lower road graded and is good order.

The bridge has even got one-way signs on it, is this an omen of the numbers of visiting skiers we're to get this season?

Chris has been busy in the groomer and has been compacting the area in the gut and the learners' area.

Arthur and Jack have been busy upgrading the Hut Creek road in preparation for the big night, Year 2000, which the Kurow Millennium Committee has been organising in conjunction with Search and Rescue and the Waitaki Ski Club. They are putting together a night of entertainment and fun on the heights of Mount Kohurau.

A new power plant has been built and put in place for the access tow by Alan and John. This provides a neat and easy to operate unit to get us up the hill.

Needed If any of you mechanical buffs out there know of the whereabouts of an International UD 40 motor, let us know, it might help to get the grader back up and running (terminal illness).
Best Wishes Nick & Lichelle Guyan have moved on to greener pastures in Wellington. We wish them and their family well in their new jobs and home. I believe Nick is a budding Sam Hunt! The hut library could do with some of his poems. Click here for some of Nick's poems
Ski Weeks and Weekends Ski Weeks and Weekends Ski weeks can be arranged depending on demand, and snow. A special $50.00 weekend has been devised. It includes 2 days skiing, dinner, bunk and breakfast. Please contact us if you are interested:
    Arthur Tschepp 437-0679 
    Alan Grant 434-8166 
    Chris Tschepp 434-5110 
    Jack Parkes 431-3887 
    John Hamilton 434-9781 
    Baz Aitken 434-7188 
    Brian Logan 434-8674 
    Ray Fogarty 434-9294 
    Peter Mortimer 437-0275
Trail bikes

A motor bike rally was held last November. Seventy odd riders enjoyed the weekend. Day One was a ride out Pig Shit Inn to the Kyeburn diggings, and back. The next day it was along the tops up to Mt Kohurau. It was a very successful weekend and the riders want to do it again. N.B. Don't forget the hut is a fantastic venue for out of season activities, ie re-unions etc.

We are on the Internet Bob McMullan is creating a web site for us and it is hosted on the Waitaki Web.  www.waitaki.net.nz 
So check it out.  
If you have any photos or suggestions please contact Bob (Ph 434-0425).

All that's required now is a good fall of snow and all you skiers out there to ski-up the slopes at Awakino for a great 99 season.

Thank you,
John Hamilton


